You must know that moment When the miserable world cracks open You finally meet someone Suddenly the chapter's written Six months with nothing other Than a duvet and a jug of water It's a chemical jackpot babe And we've got the winning number Give me the first six months of love Give me the first six months of love Before the truth comes spilling out Before you open your big mouth One of the finest things in life Gone on a serotonin ride God knows I've waited long enough Give me the first six months First six months of love Before begin the dissections Before the therapy sessions We danced the night we met Now we need dancing lessons Remember how it all began We must not let habit set in Come up the stairs, let's recommence The first six months over again Give me the first six months of love Give me the first six months of love Before the truth comes spilling out Before you open your big mouth One of the finest things in life Gone on a serotonin ride Babe if we gonna stick it out Give me the first six months First six months of love Give me the first six months of love Give me the first six months of love Before the truth comes spilling out Before you open your big mouth One of the finest things in life Gone on a serotonin ride Babe if we gonna stick it out Give me the first six months First six months of love
8 de marzo de 2022
Música para camaleones (137) Michelle Gurevich - First Six Months Of Love
You must know that moment When the miserable world cracks open You finally meet someone Suddenly the chapter's written Six months with nothing other Than a duvet and a jug of water It's a chemical jackpot babe And we've got the winning number Give me the first six months of love Give me the first six months of love Before the truth comes spilling out Before you open your big mouth One of the finest things in life Gone on a serotonin ride God knows I've waited long enough Give me the first six months First six months of love Before begin the dissections Before the therapy sessions We danced the night we met Now we need dancing lessons Remember how it all began We must not let habit set in Come up the stairs, let's recommence The first six months over again Give me the first six months of love Give me the first six months of love Before the truth comes spilling out Before you open your big mouth One of the finest things in life Gone on a serotonin ride Babe if we gonna stick it out Give me the first six months First six months of love Give me the first six months of love Give me the first six months of love Before the truth comes spilling out Before you open your big mouth One of the finest things in life Gone on a serotonin ride Babe if we gonna stick it out Give me the first six months First six months of love
Vocabulario Fundamental. Mujeres (26) EE. UU.: Demasiadas mujeres en prisión
EE. UU.: Demasiadas mujeres en prisión (ARTE - Brice Lambert, 2022)
A principios de la década de 1980, había menos de 25 000 mujeres entre rejas en EE. UU. Cuarenta años después, son más de 230 000. La cantidad de mujeres condenadas ha aumentado dos veces más rápido que la de hombres. En esta cuestion, Oklahoma está a la cabeza. El estado conservador, gobernado por los republicanos, ha encerrado a más mujeres en casi 30 años que cualquier otro Estado del mundo.
7 de marzo de 2022
Vocabulario Fundamental. Infancia (38) Infancias en guerra 13 Ucrania: salvar a los niños de la guerra
Ucrania: salvar a los niños de la guerra (ARTE, 2022)
En las escuelas de Donbás, la psicóloga Ekaterina atiende a niños y niñas traumatizados por años de conflicto. Cuando intentaba huir de la zona de guerra con un grupo de jóvenes para ponerlos a salvo, comenzó la invasión del ejército ruso en Ucrania. ARTE Regards les acompañó en este desgarrador "viaje".